5 Favorite Films

Leon: The Professional — The seemingly paedo-like feel we get is overshadowed by the beauty of sacrifice, the primal want for love, and a raging desire to grow roots


The City of God — The disregard of human life is daunting, greed is overpowering, and the sense of power felt when one holds a 9 mm resonates throughout


Kill Bill Vol. 1 —  Beautifully poetic, filled with drama and bloodlust, “Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now’s the fucking time!”


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind — My overwhelming apathy and complete numbness to the world was swayed, for I am not a man of emotions, but after this…I HAVE SO MANY FEELS!


A Bronx Tale — An interesting take on a Mobster movie with racial undertones, Sonny is a straight boss, *locks the door* “Now youse can’t leave”



  1. I like that your layout is very clean and easy to follow. Each tweet has one nice picture to sum it up. My only question is if the movie title with the hyphen counts as the 140 characters or not, but either way writing the titles out like that makes sure that the reader knows exactly which film you’re talking about.

  2. Using a quote to describe a film is a powerful tool. Considering how much dialogue goes into a film, being able to use one line to get across a large point of the film is about as succinct as you could be.

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